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Sweeping Through!

‘Well,’ said a friend, recently. ‘I suppose you’re just sitting round waiting for the book to come out now.’ Hmm, not quite. To be fair to her, I didn’t quite realise that having a novel accepted is just the first part of the process. Although you have to allow yourself a little time to enjoy that lovely warm glow, there’s plenty to get on with like cover designs, copy edits and (blush) PR stuff. There’s also the next book to write and, in my case, the final pieces of OU work to complete. I do feel as if someone just pressed the Busy Button, but, having ached for this for so long, I’m enjoying every moment.

And talking of buttons, Jenson Button features in the Choc Lit Author's Corner today. I’m still flying the flag for rugby but Christina and Sue are trying to persuade me that there’s magic in Formula 1.

I don’t know about fast men (or if I do I’m not saying here) but my 76 year-old Ma won a supermarket sweep which took place this morning. ‘Oh,’ said Ma on being informed of success by a thrilled Take A Break representative that she’d won. ‘I didn’t want to win that!’
So because the poor love has such a bad back and can’t walk properly they’ve allowed my brother-in-law to do it for her. I haven’t heard how they’ve got on yet – but I do know that from now on we’ll be trying to convince her to only enter competitions she does want to win!

Stop press! Ma & BiL scopped £450 in goodies and a £250 cash bonus! Not sorry now, eh, Ma?

Image is 'Beach' by Tom Tomos


Maggie Christie said…
Woo hoo to Ma! I've always wanted to do a supermarket sweep. (But only if they let me into the whisky aisle!)

I love the idea that you might be sitting around contemplating your novel. Not a chance! Good luck with all the busy stuff. Amazon, by the way, has allowed me to order TTT again.

And I'm glad I'm not he only F1 nut! I'll be glued to it over the weekend. But not the rugby. Perhaps I do like my men in tins! xx
HelenMWalters said…
That's lovey about your mother and the supermarket sweep. I've always wanted to win one!
Ooh, well done Ma! (Although I did titter a little when I heard about the Take A Break rep). Bet she gave them a run for their money.

And lovely to hear you're so busy doing what you love. If you need any help sorting out how many profiteroles to order for the launch or anything, just give me a shout.
Jenny Beattie said…
Ha, brilliant. They did so well.

I could lie awake at night worrying about doing something like a supermarket sweep. I think I'd head to totally the wrong aisle and buy lots of really dull things.
Milla said…
oh I feel I'm flirting with fame here, CH, what a star you are. Would have been funnier if you had done the supermarket sweep - all that running finally put to good use!
Frances said…
Chris, I can well imagine how your busy button has definitely being pushed. What a thrill to actually be in this mode!

Congrats to your mom on her prize. Did she and bil have the entire market to themselves for this sweep?

Please let Tom know that I very much like today's picture.

Jude said…
Wow...way to go Ma!! Good luck with PR work, can't wait to be able to read the book and say proudly..'I know the author, you know' hehe!!
Norma Murray said…
Well done, Chris' Ma. And well done you of course.
Tell your Ma to get her lucky knickers on - or whatever - a buy a lottery tickets!
bradan said…
PR stuff sounds fun...maybe...
Wouldn't mind winning supermarket sweep if it was Waitrose, but we only have the Co-op here! Well done to BiL and Ma.
I love the painting.
Chris Stovell said…
Mags, no they're quite strict about what you can pick up ie no alcohol, perfumes, tvs & other non food items so BiL did well! Oh, not you on the F1 too!

Helen, Ma said tonight that it had been 'great fun' so I hope you get the chance to have a go!

LBD, How well you know Ma, she did indeed. I'll save the fine details for when we meet! Let's just forget launches and eat profiteroles!

JJ, Ma said the store staff were wonderful! They cheered and shouted instructions, but I'm so glad it wasn't me!

Milla, don't be silly - it's me, not a star! And, boy, was a glad to live so far away when Ma was looking for someone to run for her!!

Frances, yes, it's good but I'm neglecting lots of blogs which is bad. As to sweep - they had to dodge staff doing the delivery picks. Ma was distraught when a member of staff picked up something she'd been eyeing!! But, as I told her, it really didn't matter!!

Jude, thank you M'dear and I'll be looking at your lovely corner of the world thinking, 'I know Jude, who lives there.' (After all, I've had the huge honour of meeting Frances so you never know!).

Lampie, thank you so much!

Rosie, yes, I do hope she's warming up for the really big win!!
Chris Stovell said…
Bradan - we only have a teeny tiny Tesco and Aldi. At least Ma had a mega Sainsbury to go to.
Pondside said…
Chris, you've got to convince your publisher that a book tour that includes Vancouver Island will put your novel firmly into best seller heaven!
Chris Stovell said…
It would be heaven for me, Pondside!
Fennie said…
Congats to your Ma, Chris. You just never know what is coming your way.
Good luck with all the PR.
her at home said…
Im with Milla a real dereliction of fillial duty that YOU, as the trained and tested hot footer in the family, did not do the sweep for her!! Think fo the publicity !
Flowerpot said…
Well done your Ma - great stuff - go to her! And wonderful that you're busy doing PR stuff Chris hooray!
Congratulations to your mother and BiL for doing so well in the supermarket sweep.

I hope you manage to get all your busy things done. I'm slowly working through all my lists of jobs I need to do this weekend.
I've always fancied doing a sweep but would undoubtedly get distracted and start musing amongst the cheese. Good luck with all the additional stuff - sounds a bit harsh to have to do all that. I thought writing the thing was the hard bit!
Chris Stovell said…
Thanks Fennie, we'll see!

HAH, thank goodness I live so far away!!

Fp, hope you will doing the same pr stuff soon too.

Debs, I got most of mine done - how did you get on?

Elizabeth - I think poor old BiL was getting directions from Ma as he ran. As for writing stuff, I think these days you have to be prepared to 'add value'(!)too.

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