Do they mean me? They surely do because now there’s a press release from the lovely Lyn at Choc Lit to prove it! Honestly, I still can’t believe it’s happening; it’s a very strange feeling to think that something that began with an image in my head now has a life of its own.
I’m very excited to be joining Choc Lit (isn’t that a fab name?) because I had a Mystic Meg moment when I read about them. You see, it was winning a tin of chocolate at primary school in a national essay competition for my story My Life as a Cocoa Bean (a tragedy – I can still remember that ‘Oh, damn!’ thought when I realised there was only one ending to that particular tale) that started it all for me! It wasn’t just the name of the publishers that attracted me ‘though; I like to have fun when I write and I also really enjoy writing from my hero’s point of view so I felt that my novel would be a good fit for them, too.
Luckily Lyn, Choc Lit’s Marketing Director and the team at Choc Lit agreed and I’m thrilled to say that Turning the Tide will be out for the summer next year. Oooh, don’t wake me up anyone!
HAH. I berludy hope not, much as I love chocolate!
Very well done you!
Jeanne x
Well done m'dear. I'm so pleased for you.
Roll on next summer:-)
Withy, believe me, I'm very proud to have met you!
Fia, thank you - it'll be great to see the cover (and lots more NR covers besides).
Aw, thanks Captain. Going to put your toes back in the water?
Fennie, you too - keep writing.
Jeanne, I know! It's a fab name... still worrying about what HAH said about chocolate money though!
Lane, it's still taking some getting used to! Will have pinch marks on my arm soon!
Well done, Chris! Really happy for you!
Liane, thanks a lot! it's great isn't it? Makes me smile every time I see the logo!
love C xxxx
Kate xxx
PS: Novel Racers strike again xx
Mountainear, thank you, hope we can meet up again in the Spring.
Kate, Yay for the Novel Racers! Thanks ever so much for visiting, I bet you feel proud of what you started when you set the NR off!
Pondside... it was surreal! Thank you m'dear.
Colette, welcome and thank you.
Straight From Hel
LBD, well, it squeezed past Ma without comment. Then again it probably wasn't shocking enough for her :{ A chocolate-themed party is a very good idea!
Tam, thank you! But will you have time to read it with all the books you're currently writing and promoting?!
Sheepish, good news for NRs; here's to more next year! And thank you.
Sally, thanks for dropping by, but shouldn't you be unpacking?! Good luck with moving in and thank you!
Helen, thank you! It is cute, isn't it! (Will join you for a dance, I think!).
Caroline - welcome... I probably shouldn't say this but I can't wait to read it in book form either!