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Showing posts from September, 2012

Settling and Getting Set

With nothing specific on the agenda , it’s been good to be able to take a few moments to pause and reflect. I’ve especially enjoyed looking at all the wedding photographs coming in from friends and family and absorbing different impressions of a day that fills me with happiness whenever I think about it. I’ve also been taking stoc k this week because next Sunday sees the official release of my second novel, Move Over Darling . Without, I hope, wishing to sound in the least bit boastful, it feels particularly good to have reached this point after all the doubts, fears and long, long hours. I joke that when I look at my daughters, I’m filled with a sense that, wow, I made a WHOLE person (okay, with a bit of help) and then I did it again! Well, it’s a similar feeling holding a second book in my hand and seeing my name on the cover. With it come the same mixed emotions about holding on and letting go. There’s the joy of celebrating with loved ones, sadness for the people we miss. It...


Friday 14 September , my elder daughter’s wedding day… a day of pure joy!  Tom, MoB, Happy Couple, Stepson Two, Rose & Si After weeks of Welsh rain, the sun shone, the location was glorious – look at those views – and the atmosphere really was one of love and great happiness. Here’s a flavour of a very special day. A confetti fest My beautiful daughters Monday 17 September … a day of utter terror! BBC Radio Wales were kind enough to invite me in to chat about my novels with Roy Noble live on his afternoon show. My thanks to Roy and everyone on the team for being so gentle with me! Here’s a clip  if you want to listen to it… and, being radio, you can’t see my glass of water shaking as I tried to take a sip!

Thinking of the Days

This Friday 14th Septembe r, is my beloved elder daughter’s wedding day. I’m a terrible worrier, but when I found myself worrying about a hair colour that had gone a bit wrong and not being able to find the right tights, I realised - just in time - how ridiculous I was being. This morning I remembered a friend from university who didn’t live to have children. When I attended her funeral on a bright spring day, I had a toddler and a young baby, waiting to be fed. I also thought of my younger daughter’s school friend who died before the Leavers’ Ball, whose parents were left to open her A Level results. Gloomy thoughts, yes, but those reflections made me extra appreciative to have the great good fortune to have come this far and to know that my lovely daughter is marrying a good, kind man. On Saturday 15th September We’re coming home and bringing Ma to stay with us for a few days. I’m pretty sure the conversations will include a lot of discussion about the wedding! On Monda...

Move Over Darling: Kindle Release

Yearning to be kissed (oh please!), Move Over Darling has just popped out on  Kindle !