Look what I came home to last night! It's even on Amazon! How exciting is that? (Well, obviously not as exciting for you as it is for me - but I am thrilled to bits!)
If you would like to read a taster pop over to Choc Lit where you'll find the prologue and first chapter.
I'm afraid all the excitement on top of jet-lag means I'm not doing too well on the joined-up thinking front so I'd best leave it at that for today!
What a perfect gift to find waiting for you on your return. x
Off to order my copy now from Amazon.
Take care
Hope you had a great time - well of course you did
Love Blossom
Berludy well done.
Can't wait to hear about New York too.
Fia, thanks - the taster's available on Choc Lit, but I should have made it clear it's not out until 30 June.
FP, thanks - trip was great, will blog about it soon.
HAH, yes it's been quite a week... this doesn't normally happen to me!!!
Jude, good to see you and thanks very much.
Liz, thank you!!
SBS, thank you for the welcome and especially for going over to read the taster... glad you approve of Mr Corrigan!
Blossom, thank you too - that means a great deal to me, good to hear that you liked it.
Fennie, it does seem a bit starry doesn't it? I can assure you though that I don't get many weeks like this! And now I'm about to clean the house and do a huge pile of ironing... although I best keep an eye on the rugby at the same time.
Aw, thanks Elizabeth, that's very kind.
JJ, thank you - I'm really pleased with it! NY was great - so much to take in.
Liz, thanks - it's made me very happy seeing it. (Btw, my trip has left me wondering how you cope with jet-lag with all the travelling you do.)
This is a beautiful cover!
It usually takes me a week to get my brain functioning properly after a trans-Atlantic flight.
Congratualtions, I'm sure it will be a huge success.
How lovely that you met up with Frances.
Hoping that you will soon be able to sleep that jet lag away. I am now going to click on the book extract and see what's just beyond that cover.
(It's still so amazing to think that you, Tom and I were just walking down Fifth Avenue together.!
Helen, I'm glad you think so. Not looking forward to another few days of feeling like this though - have to admit it's a bit better today so things are looking up!
Elizabethd - aw, that's great! Thank you. And it was a sheer delight meeting Frances - I'll write about it in due course.
Gaelikaa, thank you - and it's lovely to have other people joining in and feeling pleased with me - I really appreciate it.
Pat, thank you - I do have to keep looking at it!
Helen, thanks - and here's to more NR covers!
Sue, thanks - yes, Choc Lit are brilliant, aren't they?!
Another book to go on the 'to be ordered' pile.
What a brilliant cover and its on Amazon already - I'll be ordering my copy today!
Look forward to hearing about your New York trip soon.
Jeanne x
Rosie, you are very kind, thank you.
Jeanne, NY was fab and it was lovely to come back to this - and thank you for pre-ordering.
Bradan, Aw! Frances is truly lovely - as you would expect! - I'll be writing about our meeting soon.
The cover is gorgeous.
What a time for you!