Write blog on plotting. Read blogs. Watch tennis. Give stern talk to self; must finish plot of Make, Do and Mend tomorrow and get writing.
a.m. Day 4, Week 1 of Runner’s World SmartCoach 16 week training programme which will take me up to the Cardiff Half Marathon. Run 6 miles, (one warm, one cool, four at tempo).
p.m. At last! A teeny little chink of light shines in the dark world of my plot. Congratulate self and eat several more Peach Loops (named after a fruit therefore good for me).
Easy run: 2 miles. Watch tennis.
Reach 5000 words. Worry about money and decide to enter short story comp.
Steady run: 7 miles. Week One total: 17 miles.
Go to dinner with The Axe Murderers aka a delightful pair of artists we met at the top of a mountain.
Week Two: Cardiff Half Marathon training. Rest Day.
Have a rare weigh-in and find I have put on weight. Resolve to lay off the Peach Loops.
Estate agent for the property at the top of our shortlist rings to tell us an offer’s been received on it. Nothing we can do. Bum!
Mslexia arrives. My poem does not appear in the competition winners (And why not? It was no worse than most of the shortlisted poems and a lot better than one or two.) My life writing is not in the 'Curious Incidents' section (ditto). Have a severe Pit of Doom moment. Wonder why the feck I keep writing, clearly have sad case of Compulsive Writing Disorder.
Begin short story. Curl lip at short story. Abandon short story.
Write 100 words of MDM. Feel better. Eat Crunchie. Feel much better.
Easy run: 3 miles
Spend afternoon with Alphie, my lovely low-tech retro writing gadget (not as retro pen and paper, says Tom) in order not to be distracted by emails and blogs. Have horrid moment of loathing every word I have written. Force myself to concentrate. Make slow progress and then words start to fall into place... I’m getting there.
Rest Day. No run.
a.m. Show another
p.m. Post blog. Away for another date with Alphie...

Painting is 'Ceibwr' by Tom Tomos
Sorry to hear about the offer on the property, that is such a pain in the butt.
I agree that 'thinking about the plot' counts as writing.
Debs, but you did a Race for Life (and you are in possession of a magnificent shed... if you put that up for sale you'll have loads of takers!)
Rachel, so glad you are with me on that one :)!
FP, It's that belief that one day the breakthrough will come, isn't it? I think the running 's helped me to think that if I keep going I'll get there...
And one day (very, very soon) Mslexia will be printing your name and asking for an interview. Of that, I'm sure.
Lampie, WE will!
Edward, no that was Alphie but the view is mine all mine... if you look carefully you might see Mags in the hills.
Fennie, but Peach Loops (squashy, sweet/sour and sugary - not lollipops) are the stuff of sonnets.
Cottage garden, it is indeed possible to run and plot - have yet to master writing and plotting 'though.
Moseyed on over in search of a clue to the thing you're hopeful about (so exciting!) and saw my comment on the one below wasn't there. why DOES that happen??
And I echo those who've already said what an inspiration you are to us all. And fitting all that running in, too (not to mention the peach loops, although somehow, that's the one part of your diary I think I could accomplish without too much difficulty).
Anyway, having struggled for years with the idea of plotting, just this morning I had a brilliant idea. The plotless novel. What do you think?
All that running - I'm puffed out for you. Do you think about the plot whilst running? Or are you like me - too consumed with whether you about to expire (I suspect not).
LBD, Book 'jacket' is a mockup made by lovely Stepson Two and his gorgeous girlf who froze on the beach to pose for it! I've had a few bashes at the plotless novel myself, quite accidentally, usually shows when I sit down to read what I've written!
Tam, - good thinking! If I can count one Peach Loop as one unit I will be bursting with health!
I'll go now...
One of my dreams in life is to have a short story published in hardback, trouble is..... wordblock.! Lots of unfinished manuscripts, I just need to get at it.
Sorry to hear about the property Chris.
Fia... ooh, Jaffa Cakes, good one! Don't worry we will burn weight off waiting for our ECA marks - eek!
Hello Camilla, don't worry all those words will still be waiting when the time is right for your short stories - you'll get there.
Pondside, must try not to confuse the Peach Loops with the running shoes whilst I am it!
Good luck with the run. Something I can see myself doing when out walking with the dogs but think I'll stick to the walking - too many wobbly bits for running.
Jacket cover looks amazing, Well done the girlf.